episode 119: How do i stop thinking “why do i hate my body”
In Episode 119 of The Diet Diaries I’m talking about how you learn to respond to and deal with your negative thoughts around food and your body so you can stop thinking “why do I hate my body” all the time.
You know the thoughts telling you things like:
Your stomach is fat and disgusting
That cellulite looks gross in those leggings
You’re out of control around these cookies
You can do every diet in the world and they will NEVER change the way you think about food and stop you from thinking about hating your body. Which is why a diet doesn’t fix what you want it to fix.
Having skills to learn how to respond to your negative body image thoughts is where true, lasting change happens.
And skills don’t include ignoring them, wishing they weren’t there, being verbally abusive to ourselves for thinking them and endlessly wondering “why do I hate my body?”
There are lots of wonderful influencers and creators out there sharing content to remind you that its ok to have fat on your stomach, to have cellulite on your thighs, to eat carbs after 7pm.
But it isn’t enough just to follow those people and see that—you need actual skills to learn how to respond to the negative body image thoughts that your brain is producing seemingly every moment of every day.
So I am talking through 4 specific, usable skills you can start practicing to help deal with the thoughts so you can start making progress towards feeling at ease around food and in your body.
Episodes 105 and 112 of The Diet Diaries are also great resources for support around changing your body image if you are someone who is always saying to themselves “I hate the way I look.”
And I have an entire blog post about why negative body image is such an issue and 3 specific skills to manage it.
(Note: The poem I mentioned is The Guest House by Rumi, not Hafiz. Brain fart.)
We’ll be working on these skills at the Spring Weekend Retreat. Find all the details here to join us May 19-21 in the Catskill mountains of New York.