online Nutrition coaching

The Eat with Ease framework is an evidence based coaching method that will teach you how to feel at ease around food, lose fat without dieting, create positive behavior change and feel at home in your body.

In Eat with Ease personalized coaching we work on skills in three key areas:

  1. What, why and how to eat so you can lose weight without counting calories and feel at ease around food

  2. Behavior change so you can make the changes you know you want and need to make and finally stick with them

  3. Body image fundamentals so you can shift the way you see your body and feel at ease in your skin.

What can I expect from online nutrition coaching?

  • Partnership, collaboration, empathy, customization; coaching is not about telling you what to do, it is about learning skills and working together to figure out what meets your needs, goals, preferences and lifestyle

  • Establish your core values so all of your choices around food, exercise and self care are in alignment with who you are rather than being driven by external pressure and expectations

  • Clarity on why you want to lose weight and how that weight loss will impact your life

  • Sustainably lose weight without counting calories and keep it off for good

  • Break out of the chronic diet cycle where it always feels like the next one will be “the one” if you can just get enough motivation to stick with it

  • Identify what and how food actually works for your body and lifestyle using biofeedback

    • What foods make you feel full, what foods leave you feeling hungry and how to build meals that are not just nutritious but also filling and completely satisfying

  • Uncover and address the reasons why you turn to emotional eating and learn skills to productively cope with hard emotions

  • Rebuild self trust around food— know exactly what, why and how to choose food so you can feel awesome and stay aligned with your goals

  • Improve negative body image including abusive self talk, scale obsession/avoidance and excessive body checking so you can be more present in your own life

  • Develop and strengthen body confidence so you can finally feel comfortable and content in your own skin

  • Finally change the long held beliefs and behaviors that are keeping you stuck in old patterns around food and body image so you can make changes that last for life instead of just the 8 weeks of a diet meal plan

  • Check out this blog post to learn more about some of the key skills we work on in coaching

learn how to enjoy working out and eating healthy

learn what, why and how to eat so you can lose weight without dieting

The Eat with Ease framework teaches all of the skills you need to feel at ease around food and in your body, for life. You will never have to diet again. Here's what we work on together in 1:1 coaching:

  • Learn to prioritize nutrition, satisfaction and fullness with my signature nourishing/satisfying/satiating food framework

  • Learn how to identify and choose efficient sources of protein to maximize fullness and minimize cravings and snacking

  • Somatic and breath based practices to relearn hunger and fullness cues and identify triggers for cravings

  • Food tracking options to finally understand what foods work for you and what foods don’t and better understand your intake and eating habits

  • Understand how your metabolism has adapted to your lifestyle/history of dieting and how that plays in to your fat loss goals

  • Create structure around meal timing, portions and environment

  • Reframe the good/bad labels around food and behavior and incorporate all of your favorite foods without guilt

  • Create shopping lists and meal ideas that prioritize protein, volume and fiber

  • Take a look at this blog post to learn more about how this connects to fat loss

learn what foods to eat for long term, healthy weight loss

Learn behavior change skills so you can actually do the things you say you’re going to do. and stick with them.

  • Figure out what your values are so that you make changes that actually matter to YOU and reflect who you are

  • Learn how to pause so you can make thoughtful, intentional choices instead of acting on autopilot

  • Learn how to notice name your feelings and thoughts to create more awareness around your behaviors

  • Get clarity on what you can and can’t control and how to take action accordingly

  • Respond to abusive, negative self talk to slowly shift your thoughts

  • Identify small, doable skills and practice them one at a time instead of being stuck in the all or nothing boomerang

lose weight permanently and improve your body image

learn the skills to improve your negative body image so you can finally feel at ease with how you look

  • Learn to think about what your body does for you rather than only how it looks so you can stop relying on your size and shape for your self worth

  • Identify your negative body image triggers and behaviors so you can be ready for them and know how to respond in a productive way

  • Understand the difference between facts and your feelings about your body

  • Use movement and exercise to connect to your capability and strength

  • Learn how to use clothes, hair and makeup to feel good regardless of your size and shape

There is a physical, emotional and mental transformation that happens as you move towards food and body freedom.

A way of life where you no longer have to exist in fear of unplanned dinners out, late night cravings and your kids’ snacks lurking in the kitchen cabinet.  Where you no longer cry in your closet because you hate how all of your clothes look. Where you aren’t planning yet another diet to start next Monday because you lost motivation with the last one and “blew it.”

Coaching is entirely about the effort, not the outcome.

If you are focused on the end result, you’ll miss all the good stuff. 

And it takes time. How much? For most people it’s about 6-12 months.

I always remind clients that a lifetime of beliefs and behaviors around food and body image don’t get unlearned in 3 months and it’s completely normal for this process to take time—there is no urgency and there is no finish line.

We work together to integrate, practice and build confidence with the foundational skills

Until you are at a point where the effort becomes effortless, you’re losing fat and food freedom and body confidence are now just your way of life. 

Yes, some days will still feel challenging; because you’re a human, not a robot. But those days will be few and far between. Self trust around food, confidence in your actions and a deep connection to knowing what works and what doesn’t will be rooted in place--forever.

what’s included:

  • 90 minute kickoff call

  • 2 45 minute monthly check in calls

  • Unlimited support between calls via text/voice text

  • Skill building worksheets and exercises

  • Food shopping lists/meal ideas based on your preferences

  • Development of your personal values framework

  • Investment: $350/month