Your diet Break up plan

A free online workshop to finally figure out how to stop yo-yo dieting, find your best weight and love what you eat.

Can you remember a time when you weren’t on a diet, talking about a diet with your friends, planning a diet or saying screw it, I’m done with this diet?

Somehow dieting has just become a way of life.

And it sucks. Always chasing a new number, stressing about dinners out, feeling hungry, white knuckling through cravings every night at 9pm. Feeling obsessed with and terrified of the scale at the same time.

Losing weight starts feeling harder and harder and if you do finally lose it, keeping it off becomes next to impossible. Before you know it you’ve gained it all back, plus more and the whole thing starts all over again.

This free workshop is going to teach you why and how this has happened and exactly what to do about it. For good.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The myth that your metabolism is broken, damaged or needs to be fixed

  • Why it becomes progressively harder to lose weight the more you diet

  • Why you inevitably gain it back and then end up stuck in the yo yo diet cycle

  • The difference between your goal weight and your best weight and why this is the key to permanent change

  • How and what to eat so you can break out of this cycle and stop dieting for good

  • Exactly how to plan your meals so you feel happy and well fed

  • Step by step plan that will guide you to your best weight for life

All the details:

When: Tuesday, March 22 at 7pm EST

Where: Live on Zoom (or sign up to get the replay)

Cost: FREE!

yep, I’m in!