body image reboot

A free online workshop to learn how to stop hating your body and discover how to feel more comfortable with the skin you’re in.

Can you remember the last time you looked in the mirror without a cruel judgment or criticism for what you saw in the reflection? 

Or the last time you went on social media and didn’t compare yourself to someone else’s body, feeling full of jealousy? 

Then following up those thoughts with a plan for a new diet or workout program, believing that will be the fix for how you feel about your body.

But it never is.

Because you improve your body image by changing how you think . Not by changing how you look.

And that’s what this free webinar is going to teach you. 

Here’s what you will learn:

  • What body image actually is and why dieting never changes it

  • The individual factors that influence your body image and how to address each one

  • The myth that improving body image means you have to love how you look

  • Why negative body image is such a struggle for so many women

  • How to identify your unique body image triggers and how to cope with them

  • Specific tools to start managing your negative thoughts

  • Simple changes to daily behaviors that can have an immediate impact on how you feel about your body

All the details:

When: Tuesday, August 2 at 7pm EST

Where: Live on Zoom (or sign up to get the replay)

Cost: FREE!

yep, I’m in!


About Jordana

I don’t look like your typical nutrition and wellness coach. I’m a size 12 with a soft belly that rolls over my pants. And I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been.

My work as a coach is to help women like you finally build the self trust to eat and exercise in a way that feels amazing instead of white knuckling through the latest diet and working out to burn off last night’s pizza.

Because I get it. I lived more than 20 years of my life trapped by food, starting a new diet every other week and endlessly chasing a body I thought was the key to happiness.

I’m here to help you break up with dieting forever and live at ease in your own skin.