online nutrition coaching: what exactly is it?

If you’ve found this blog post, it means you’ve done all the diets and are ready to approach fat loss in a new way. Online nutrition coaching is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Online nutrition coaching takes a skills based approach to your relationship with food and losing weight without a diet. Diets teach you rules to follow, coaching teaches you skills to make choices.

Here’s what I mean:

When you follow a diet you usually have some sort of list of foods that are approved and a list of foods that you are not allowed to eat. Sometimes it’s even an entire category of foods….you cut out carbs or sugar or bread. You decide to swear off desserts for a month. You commit to having grilled chicken, broccoli and brown rice for lunch everyday, packed into neat Tupperware containers.

Sound familiar?

Online nutrition coaching teaches you the skills of what, why and how to eat.

So that you can make thoughtful, intentional choices around food in any situation, rather than freaking out when the menu doesn’t have something you can eat or you have to skip a BBQ because you’re afraid you’ll binge.

We also work together on identifying your personal values and connect your behaviors and habits around eating back to those values. This is a huge game changer and is big reason why what you learn in online nutrition coaching stays with you for life and not just 8 weeks, the way a diet meal plan does.

The coaching process is completely personalized to you: your lifestyle, history, preferences and goals. There is no cookie cutter program you follow—we create the program together! Which allows you to break down the work into small, doable chunks and build consistency over time. You learn to practice skills in any situation—not just when things are great and you’ve got the time to meal prep every Sunday. You know how to make choices when your kids are home sick, when you’ve got a big deadline at work, when you’re on vacation with your family.

And when you know how to make choices in any situation, you break that all or nothing, diet starts Monday cycle. You stop swinging from one extreme to the other and learn how to live in that messy yet wonderful middle. Where you can have one piece of cake, feel content AND see progress on the scale. Where you can confidently go out to eat and not endlessly pick at someone else’s French fries. Where you stop eating your kids left over Mac and cheese every night.

And that’s when the results come.

How long do those results take? Well, we work together for a minimum of six months. That’s the baseline of how long it takes to learn, practice and develop confidence with skills around food. I know it seems like a long time right now, but when you think about the decades you’ve spent dieting, gaining and losing weight and feeling obsessed with food, it’s really not that long at all.

Online nutrition coaching will teach you the skills you need to stop thinking about food as good and bad, to stop feeling guilty every time you eat pizza, to stop starting over again every Monday. You will also learn how to incorporate exercise in a way that works for your lifestyle and we will work on skills so you can start to feel more comfortable with how your body looks.

At its core, online nutrition coaching is about feeling at ease around food and in your body.

Next on your reading list:

  1. How often should I eat to lose weight?

  2. The top 5 skills to lose weight without dieting

  3. How to change eating habits permanently

  4. The top 3 results you’ll get from online nutrition coaching

  5. My step by step guide to lose weight without a diet

If you’re curious about how online nutrition coaching works and are ready to lose weight without dieting, schedule a complimentary consult call and we can talk more about what you’re struggling with and how coaching could help.

And if you’re not quite there yet, add yourself to my weekly email below which is full of useful and simple coaching tips, relatable personal stories and my favorite resources for all things food, behavior and body image.

sign up for my weekly email


online nutrition coaching: the top 3 results you can expect


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