online nutrition coaching: the top 3 results you can expect

Online nutrition coaching is all about learning the skills of what, why and how to eat so you can lose weight without a diet. There are SO many benefits to this process and today I’m sharing the top 3 results you’ll get when you work with me!

1. Knowing exactly what needs to be on your plate at every meal AND how to get it there so you stop mindlessly snacking

One of the biggest challenges I hear from clients is that they just graze all day long. Figuring out what to eat at meals feels overwhelming, they don’t have time to prep and so they just end up grabbing snacks as the day goes on, with maybe one true meal happening. In online nutrition coaching we focus on helping you identify how to create meals that are convenient, simple, delicious and filling—so that snacking becomes a non issue.

Snacking between meals and dealing with constant food cravings plays a HUGE role in why you struggle to lose weight. But just telling yourself to “stop snacking” is a band-aid on a much bigger issue. We have to start with the foundation of why snacking is happening and that is addressing how to create meals that work for your life. Once that is in place, fat loss starts to happen as a side effect!

2. Losing weight without counting calories, macros or points

Here’s the thing about this. It works. Until it doesn’t. I don’t know a single person who wants to track their food in an app for the rest of their life. So you track your food for a while, lose weight and then the tracking starts to fall off bit by bit and before you know it, the weight is coming back on. What do you do? Start tracking again and stay stuck in the same cycle? No. That is band aid.

In online nutrition coaching you learn skills around what, why and how to eat—so that you can make choices in any situation that are aligned with how you want to feel, what you know you need and the goals you have in place. You create a way of eating that works for your lifestyle, history and preferences—and because its so in tune with your needs, you don’t need to count anything because you know how those foods make you feel.

3. The flexibility to eat anything you want

People always talk about food freedom. But what you really want is food flexibility. To live your life in a way where you can have cake when you want it in a way that feels good. To say yes to dessert when it’s something you love and no when it’s not. To know how to order at a restaurant in a way that leave you feeling full, but not stuffed, while being able to enjoy the foods you love.

We’re so accustomed to setting rules around food: cutting out carbs or sugar, eating between certain hours or not after 8pm, eating clean during the week and having one cheat day on the weekend. These rules feel good at first because it takes away the thinking…but after a while, it gets old pretty fast because you just can’t or don’t want to follow them anymore because they are so restrictive.

The skills you learn in online nutrition coaching give you the flexibility to eat without rules—the confidence to know what you need and how to make it happen. In any situation, at any time.

Next on your reading list:

  1. What exactly is online nutrition coaching?

  2. How often should I eat to lose weight?

  3. The top 5 skills to lose weight without dieting

  4. How to change eating habits permanently

  5. My step by step guide to lose weight without a diet

If you’re curious about how online nutrition coaching works and are ready to lose weight without dieting, schedule a complimentary consult call and we can talk more about what you’re struggling with and how coaching could help.

And if you’re not quite there yet, add yourself to my weekly email below which is full of useful and simple coaching tips, relatable personal stories and my favorite resources for all things food, behavior and body image.

sign up for my weekly email


lose weight without a diet: my step by step guide on how to do it


online nutrition coaching: what exactly is it?