episode 73: finding contentment in your body as a mom with surabhi veitch, MScPT

My guest today is physiotherapist and post partum body confidence expert Surabhi Veitch.

improve body confidence and body image insecurities with online health coach jordana edelstein

I’m so grateful to have Surabhi here to share so much knowledge and support for woman in all stages of postpartum life. As someone who really struggled after having a baby, the conversation we have today is invaluable.

We break down some of the huge misconceptions around how someone’s body looks vs. how they feel, why strength training is way more important than Kegels and why we need to create more long term post partum support for moms.

There’s so much pressure for moms to “bounce” back and lose weight after a baby and we discuss how harmful this is to the recovery process and why it needs to be about moving forward not “bouncing back.”

Our conversation is about much more than post partum-my son is 10 years old and I really resonated with what Surabhi shared in terms of approachable, sustainable fitness, thinking long term instead of short term and cultivating body confidence as a mom.


episode 75: finding peace in your own skin with ashley k. pardo


episode 30: reconnecting to your why with jules mitchell