episode 30: reconnecting to your why with jules mitchell

Episode 30 is a super special one because I’m talking with someone who really shaped the course of my career in movement.

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Jules Mitchell is a yoga educator focusing on biomechanics within the practice of yoga. She is a teacher’s teacher and her approach to movement is grounded in science but with space and permission to explore and get curious about what works for your own body.

Jules shares the evolution of her connection with yoga, beginning as a way to deal with the grief of her parents’ passing to teaching teachers all over the world and truly revolutionizing the way yoga is taught and practiced.

We take a lot for granted in the way yoga (and all movement) is taught and Jules’ work is centered around helping teachers to stop and ask why.

Because when you ask why and begin paying attention to what feels right for you, the practice can shift away from doing the pose “right” and trying to achieve a certain look to discovering what works for your body, meeting you where you are at and improving body confidence.


episode 73: finding contentment in your body as a mom with surabhi veitch, MScPT