Jordana Edelstein Nutrition Coaching

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episode 114: why putting yourself first isn’t selfish

In episode 114 of The Diet Diaries I’m talking all about the Spring Weekend Retreat.

And I’m not only talking about how we’ll be spending our time and what you can expect out of it, but why it’s SO hard to commit to something like this.

Why we often feel selfish and guilty for prioritizing ourselves. 

The truth is that being selfish is a good thing. Selflessness has become glorified to the point where feeling overwhelmed and burnt out is our new normal state of existence. 

Here’s what I’m diving into today:

  • How the Spring Weekend Retreat will help you get clear, grounded and specific about the skills you need to work on to start feeling at ease around food and in your body including how to change eating habits permanently

  • Why its so hard to prioritize yourself and exactly how to do it

  • Why time away from the chaos of life is one of the most valuable choices you can make for yourself

  • The location, the house, the food and the plan for the weekend

The Spring Weekend Retreat is May 19-21 at a gorgeous house in Hunter NY, 2 hours north of New York City in the Catskill Mountains. The all inclusive rate for the weekend is $675. Click here to get all the details and sign up to join us.

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