Episode 99: self kindness isn’t what you think it is with Erica webb

Today’s episode of The Diet Diaries brings back my first repeat guest, movement teacher and dear friend, Erica Webb.

What’s even cooler about this is that Erica and I have known each other for nearly 3 years online and we recorded this episode one week before finally meeting in person in LA at a business conference.

improve negative body image and body confidence

Erica is truly one of the most important people in my life, not just as a friend but because of the work she does, how she shows up in the world and the way she leads through her actions.

Erica’s approach to movement is centered around self kindness. Understanding how exercise can become a tool for how we treat ourselves….not just because movement is good for us, but because self kindness is at the core of humanity.

As always, the conversation is candid and truthful and we cover so many important topics including:

  • The most transformative type of exercise

  • Why we struggle with shame

  • The difference between our internal and external selves

  • Why before and after photos are not a truthful representation of reality and how they impact our body confidence

Check out episode 125 of The Diet Diaries where I talk all about how movement is the missing link to transforming your relationship with food and your body.


Episode 103: Why strength training is the most important thing you need to be doing with Gina Wright


Episode 95: loving food while living with food allergies with janine flannery