
Your Diet Breakup Plan

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The myth that your metabolism is broken, damaged or needs to be fixed

  • Why it becomes progressively harder to lose weight the more you diet

  • Why you inevitably gain it back and then end up stuck in the yo yo diet cycle

  • The difference between your goal weight and your best weight and why this is the key to permanent change

  • How and what to eat so you can break out of this cycle and stop dieting for good

  • Exactly how to plan your meals so you feel happy and well fed

  • Step by step plan that will guide you to your best weight for life

After doing every diet out there, battling my body for 20 years and then finding my way towards a sustainable weight and self trust around food, I know what works and what doesn’t. 

Fat loss does not need to be miserable. You can regain self trust around food, love how you eat AND lose fat at the same time. This free 90 minute workshop will show you how. 

We’ll unpack the key mindset challenges and barriers to losing weight and why the “all or nothing” approach doesn’t work. 

I’ll teach you the simple framework I use with myself and my clients that will empower you to rethink the way you look at food and fat loss so that you can nourish your body, feel great and meet your weight loss goals all at the same time. 

Then you'll create your own blueprint for happy, healthy fat loss so you walk away from the workshop with clear direction on how to take action.

healthy happy fat loss

Do you feel powerless and out of control around certain foods? Like no matter what you do or how hard you try you’re going to get sucked in by the chips, the cookies and the leftover cake everyday at 3pm or after a stressful day at work?

This 90 minute webinar will help you:

  • Clearly define the difference between hunger and craving

  • Discover why cravings are keeping you from your fat loss goals and improving your relationship with food

  • Learn a simple self check in tool to figure out whether you're hungry or having a craving

  • Understand exactly why cravings happen so you can learn how to effectively manage them

  • Get started with 4-5 simple, effective practices to help minimize cravings and stop feeling powerless around food


confront your cravings

Body Image Reboot

A free online workshop to learn how to stop hating your body and discover how to feel more comfortable with the skin you’re in.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What body image actually is and why dieting never changes it

  • The individual factors that influence your body image and how to address each one

  • The myth that improving body image means you have to love how you look

  • Why negative body image is such a struggle for so many women

  • How to identify your unique body image triggers and how to cope with them

  • Specific tools to start managing your negative thoughts

  • Simple changes to daily behaviors that can have an immediate impact on how you feel about your body