Jordana Edelstein Nutrition Coaching

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episode 116: what, why and how to eat so you can stop dieting and find your best weight for life

Today on episode 116 of The Diet Diaries I’m talking about the difference between skills and rules and while rules may get you short term fat loss results, they will keep you stuck in the yo yo diet cycle forever. Skills are how you change eating habits for good.

Eat with Ease is starting March 8 so I’m spending time today walking through the week by week breakdown the program, the skills you will learn and exactly how and why they will finally be the thing to change your relationship with food AND help you lose weight, for good (if you need or want to). 

Here’s what I’m covering in episode 116:

  • The core skills you need to learn to stop feeling obsessed with food and change eating habits for good

  • A different way of tracking food intake that will show you exactly what you need to focus on

  • Exactly how rules are different than skills

  • The amount of time you can expect to see changes

  • How skills develop over time

  • Why this approach sounds amazing but also feels hard and scary at the same time

Registration opens to the waitlist on Wednesday, 2/22 so today and tomorrow are the last days to join the waitlist and get 20% off. Click here to add your name!

The group starts March 8 and meets every Wednesday night at 730pm EST. 

If you listened to this episode and feel like I’m talking to you, I am and I would love to have you join us. 

Additional Resources:

I dive into these skills in detail in this blog post which is an amazing resource as you begin working on these skills.

This is another great post all about how using a timer can be a game changer for reducing your overall food intake without any restricting or food rules.

Check out episode 113 of The Diet Diaries where I talk through why breaking up with dieting can feel so scary and how to deal with it.

See this content in the original post

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