Jordana Edelstein Nutrition Coaching

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episode 86: how to create a body neutral approach to fitness with christine chessman

Today I’m talking with body neutral strength and fitness coach Christine Chessman. Christine is an eating disorder survivor, mom of 2 girls and an amazing advocate for women finding acceptance in their bodies through exercise.

As a body neutral coach, Christine places no focus on weight loss/aesthetics through exercise—it’s all about relearning how to incorporate movement into your life in a way that you truly like and can stick with long term. Essentially focusing on what your body can do rather than what it looks like.

This podcast is full of so many conversations that you will really connect to along with useful, usable ideas to begin making changes:

  • The process of figuring out what you actually enjoy for exercise vs. following rules of what you “should” do.

  • How to shift from thinking about your body as something to be seen and looked at to something that enables and allows you to live your life

  • How to find the balance between structure and intuition when it comes to movement and food.

  • Managing your expectations around how long it takes to create lasting change

  • Why managing your thoughts is a huge part of this work

  • How you use social media plays a massive role in your body confidence and body image insecurities

  • Tips for helping kids manage negative body image and their relationship to food

  • What to do you when you don’t like going to the gym

Check out this blog post with more resources and support for improving body confidence and body image insecurities.

See this content in the original post

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